vineri, 3 iunie 2016

Tramway 21

This is one of the few times i will ever post something bad about Bucharest. Thank you. :)

5 years passed since i moved to Bucharest. Before moving here, to university, i said this : 'I have to move here because i love diversity, and Bucharest is perfect"..And in a way, or another, i was right. But, there's a reason why 90% of stand up comedy shows in Romania have jokes about public's awful, worst public transportation in the country..Smells? Yes..Crowded? Definitely..Loud music from personal phones, people rushing somewhere all the time, babies screaming, gypsies (there's a joke on facebook where it says : Romania it's the country where your wallet gets off the tramway one station before you do)....And yes, also my wallet got off the tramway a station before i did..once...If you ever visit Bucharest, try to find yourself a guide, a travel agency or a hotel which will pick you up from the airport. This is an advice if you want to have an amazing time here.

2 comentarii:

  1. ..."colectionarii" de portofele,"chirurgii" care-ti pun "bisturiul" la gat,transportul(?)public...totusi,a mai ramas loc si pentru ALTCEVA...
