marți, 28 iunie 2016

Air Monument

At the Quito Square, 700 meters away from Victoria Palace it is the Air Monument, dedicated to Mircea Zorileanu, the 2nd plane pilot in Romania.

miercuri, 22 iunie 2016

sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2016

Vidra Lake

Vidra lake is located in the Parang Mountains, on Lotru River. The lake has a surface of 12 square km and it sustains the second largest hydroelectric plant in Romania. The biggest city close to the lake is Petrosani, in Hunedoara County.

luni, 13 iunie 2016

Traffic - Victoria Avenue

Light traffic on Victoria Avenue.
This is probably one of the most crowded streets in Bucharest, since the City Hall decided that is better to cut out one of the 3 lanes of the street and leave it with only 2 lanes...for a street that connects the north side of the city with the center.

duminică, 12 iunie 2016

Goat Stream / Paraul Capra

     So i missed posting something yesterday, due to the fact that i almost broke my knee two days ago, and all the pain that i had yesterday didn't exactly gave me any kind of mood to open my computer.
     This is a view that you can see if you decide to leave your car at the bottom of Transfagarasan road, and walk the walking route through the woods up to the top, at Balea Lac.
    In the picture you can see Goat Stream / Paraul Capra.

joi, 9 iunie 2016

Triumphal Arch

Triumphal Arch before the last renovation last winter. The Arch in Bucharest has a 27 meters height. This is the place where every year on 1st december (national day) military parades are held.

luni, 6 iunie 2016


In Romania it's like this : 70% of the trains are new...200% of the railways are very old, and because of this the railway transport it's still mediocre.

sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016

Olt River

Olt river source is in Harghita Mountains and the mouth in Danube River , near Turnu Magurele City with a length of 615 km (382 miles). This picture is taken somewhere near Calimanesti, Valcea County.

vineri, 3 iunie 2016

Tramway 21

This is one of the few times i will ever post something bad about Bucharest. Thank you. :)

5 years passed since i moved to Bucharest. Before moving here, to university, i said this : 'I have to move here because i love diversity, and Bucharest is perfect"..And in a way, or another, i was right. But, there's a reason why 90% of stand up comedy shows in Romania have jokes about public's awful, worst public transportation in the country..Smells? Yes..Crowded? Definitely..Loud music from personal phones, people rushing somewhere all the time, babies screaming, gypsies (there's a joke on facebook where it says : Romania it's the country where your wallet gets off the tramway one station before you do)....And yes, also my wallet got off the tramway a station before i did..once...If you ever visit Bucharest, try to find yourself a guide, a travel agency or a hotel which will pick you up from the airport. This is an advice if you want to have an amazing time here.

joi, 2 iunie 2016

Palace of the National Military Circle

Palace of the National Military Circle was built between 1911-1923, and is located 2 minutes away walking from University Square, on Regina Elisabeta Boulevard. The architecture is French Neoclassical.

miercuri, 1 iunie 2016