marți, 28 iunie 2016

Air Monument

At the Quito Square, 700 meters away from Victoria Palace it is the Air Monument, dedicated to Mircea Zorileanu, the 2nd plane pilot in Romania.

miercuri, 22 iunie 2016

sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2016

Vidra Lake

Vidra lake is located in the Parang Mountains, on Lotru River. The lake has a surface of 12 square km and it sustains the second largest hydroelectric plant in Romania. The biggest city close to the lake is Petrosani, in Hunedoara County.

luni, 13 iunie 2016

Traffic - Victoria Avenue

Light traffic on Victoria Avenue.
This is probably one of the most crowded streets in Bucharest, since the City Hall decided that is better to cut out one of the 3 lanes of the street and leave it with only 2 lanes...for a street that connects the north side of the city with the center.

duminică, 12 iunie 2016

Goat Stream / Paraul Capra

     So i missed posting something yesterday, due to the fact that i almost broke my knee two days ago, and all the pain that i had yesterday didn't exactly gave me any kind of mood to open my computer.
     This is a view that you can see if you decide to leave your car at the bottom of Transfagarasan road, and walk the walking route through the woods up to the top, at Balea Lac.
    In the picture you can see Goat Stream / Paraul Capra.

joi, 9 iunie 2016

Triumphal Arch

Triumphal Arch before the last renovation last winter. The Arch in Bucharest has a 27 meters height. This is the place where every year on 1st december (national day) military parades are held.

luni, 6 iunie 2016


In Romania it's like this : 70% of the trains are new...200% of the railways are very old, and because of this the railway transport it's still mediocre.

sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016

Olt River

Olt river source is in Harghita Mountains and the mouth in Danube River , near Turnu Magurele City with a length of 615 km (382 miles). This picture is taken somewhere near Calimanesti, Valcea County.

vineri, 3 iunie 2016

Tramway 21

This is one of the few times i will ever post something bad about Bucharest. Thank you. :)

5 years passed since i moved to Bucharest. Before moving here, to university, i said this : 'I have to move here because i love diversity, and Bucharest is perfect"..And in a way, or another, i was right. But, there's a reason why 90% of stand up comedy shows in Romania have jokes about public's awful, worst public transportation in the country..Smells? Yes..Crowded? Definitely..Loud music from personal phones, people rushing somewhere all the time, babies screaming, gypsies (there's a joke on facebook where it says : Romania it's the country where your wallet gets off the tramway one station before you do)....And yes, also my wallet got off the tramway a station before i did..once...If you ever visit Bucharest, try to find yourself a guide, a travel agency or a hotel which will pick you up from the airport. This is an advice if you want to have an amazing time here.

joi, 2 iunie 2016

Palace of the National Military Circle

Palace of the National Military Circle was built between 1911-1923, and is located 2 minutes away walking from University Square, on Regina Elisabeta Boulevard. The architecture is French Neoclassical.

miercuri, 1 iunie 2016

luni, 30 mai 2016

Herastrau Park - Mirror View :)

Herastrau Park - Mirror View a few nights ago. Somehow the sunset over herastrau park is my most viewed picture, and i wanna say i appreciate all views and likes from everyone. Thank you.

duminică, 29 mai 2016

sâmbătă, 28 mai 2016

Poenari Castle - Dracula's 2nd Castle

After 1480 stairs, you can reach Vlad III (Dracula) the Impaler's Poenari Castle, located on DN7C road (also known as Transfăgărășan). The castle was built in 1453 by the architect Radu Negru, and destroyed around 1915. Although today all is left are a few walls from the castle, the view of the valley from the castle ruins is amazing.

joi, 26 mai 2016

Kretzulescu Church

Kretzulescu Church was built by Iordache Cretulescu in 1720-1722, and it's one of the oldest churches in Bucharest. The church is located on Victoria Avenue, Sector 1.

White Rose

And from the "roses" category, i give you the symbol of respect and pure love :) .

luni, 23 mai 2016

"I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"

I have drafts saved usually for 2-3 days ahead of posting, and this picture today was not in those drafts. But, this morning heard on the radio Aerosmith - I don't wanna miss a thing which is one of my favorite songs, and i've instantly thought about this picture that i took last autumn in Herastrau Park.

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this.

duminică, 22 mai 2016

Constanta Shipyard

Located in Constanta, "Santierul Naval Constanta SA" is the world's 3rd place shipbuilder for medium range products and chemical tankers. Until 1950, the main activities here were focused on ship repairs. However, a very important moment of yard’s long history is in 1936, when it was launched the very first new ship building, a 12-m long yacht named “Crai Nou”. From October 1st, 2002 Santierul Naval Constanta has been privatized.

sâmbătă, 21 mai 2016

Black Sea

Another weekend outside Bucharest, with Romania2.0 photo section on my blog.Black sea viewed from Constanta City, one of the top touristic attraction of Romania during the summer.

vineri, 20 mai 2016

"Love" Rose

Night shoot of a rose that i found a while ago somewhere near Spain Square, Sector 2.

joi, 19 mai 2016

Romanian People's Salvation Cathedral

Construction of Romanian People's Salvation Cathedral, on 13 September Street.The construction started in 2010, and it will end in 2020, with a cost of 200 millions Euros and a neo-byzantine style.

miercuri, 18 mai 2016

Intercontinental Hotel

Intercontinental Hotel is a 5* hotel downtown Bucharest, located on Nicolae Balcescu Boulevard, at University Square. The hotel has 257 rooms placed on 20 floors (of a total 24 floors). The construction of the hotel lasted 3 years, between 1967-1970.

luni, 16 mai 2016

Tower Center International

Tower Center International is the 2nd highest building in Bucharest, at 106 m (349 ft) tall. The building is located 5 minutes away walking from Victoria Square and Romanian Palace of Parliament.

duminică, 15 mai 2016

sâmbătă, 14 mai 2016

Old Center - Brasov

Old Town Center - Brasov, Republicii Street
For the weekends going to do this section in which i will posts pictures from other places in the country. And for this month, going to start with this one, Brasov.

vineri, 13 mai 2016

Standing Still

Soldiers from 30th Guard Regiment"Mihai Viteazul" are guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from Carol Park. Each shift lasts for 4 hours, and it ends with a quick ceremony that lasts for a few minutes. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located in front of the Carol Park Mausoleum.

“The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet.” (Nikos Kazantzakis)

joi, 12 mai 2016

marți, 10 mai 2016

Carol Park

The park was designed by Edouard Redont, french landscape designer and opened in 1906. In the park there are several sites of interests , like : Mausoleum (seen in the picture), 3 giants statues, Tepes Castle and Zodiac Fountain.

Dale...or Chip??

Cute little ... Devil?? :)

sâmbătă, 7 mai 2016


This graffiti i found it on a wall near a kindergarten somewhere in Sector 2.Interesting choice of art-location.

vineri, 6 mai 2016

Union of Architects Building in Romania

Union of Architects Building in Romania is among the weirdest buildings in the country, and it is part of the historical monuments of Romania.
Tourists calls it "the glass jar" or "cyborg building".

joi, 5 mai 2016

Basarab Overpass

Basarab Overpass is probably the only good thing that was built in Bucharest in the last 10 years. This overpass was built to ease the traffic around Bucharest north railway station in Sector 1.

marți, 3 mai 2016

Odeon Theatre

It was built in 1911 and it was opened until the bombings from 1945 WWII. The theatre was quickly restored and reopened in 1946. Majestic Hall is the only hall in Europe with a sliding roof. The theatre is located 10 minutes away walking from University Square.
Without any connection with the theatre, in front of it is the statue of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the 1st president of Turkey.

luni, 2 mai 2016

Jealousy? Loyalty? ... Mourning ?

Yellow -  in India - sacred color ; Greece - sadness ; Thailand -  royal color ; France - jealousy ; Buddhism : wisdom ; Egypt - color of mourning ; U.S.A./Canada - hope, faith, loyalty.
 Personally , i always went with "faith" on this one. I love France, but how can you bring yellow roses (which are pretty awesome) to someone as a symbol for jealousy ? Personal opinion only : if red roses represent love, and are the "most" important, yellow ones should definitely be on the 2nd place-loyalty-.

sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

Church of England : Anglican Communion

There is a huge lack of information about he anglican communion of Bucharest. But still, i can tell you that the first attempt to build this church was made by Sir John Kennedy, ambassador of U.K. in Romania, back in 1900, when he obtained the land, and the construction of it was finished in 1920. The Church of England it is located 10 minutes away (walking) from Roman Square, downtown Bucharest.
Sir John Kennedy
Sir John Kennedy
Sir John Kennedy
Sir John Kennedy

vineri, 29 aprilie 2016

Statue of Carol I

Statue of Carol I is located on Victoria Avenue,near Central University Library and close to the center of the city. It is 13m tall and it weights 13 tons. It is a main attraction point for tourist from outside Romania. This statue was unveiled on 6th december 2010. A small ceremony took place back then, with guests like the mayor of the city, King Mihai I and Princess Margareta of Romania.

Sunset Over Herastrau Park

Located in the north side of the city (Aviatorilor metro station and several bus station around the park), it is the main "weekend" attraction for both young and older people. Rollers, bikers, runners, readers, couples, you name it, here you can find them all.