sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

Church of England : Anglican Communion

There is a huge lack of information about he anglican communion of Bucharest. But still, i can tell you that the first attempt to build this church was made by Sir John Kennedy, ambassador of U.K. in Romania, back in 1900, when he obtained the land, and the construction of it was finished in 1920. The Church of England it is located 10 minutes away (walking) from Roman Square, downtown Bucharest.
Sir John Kennedy
Sir John Kennedy
Sir John Kennedy
Sir John Kennedy

vineri, 29 aprilie 2016

Statue of Carol I

Statue of Carol I is located on Victoria Avenue,near Central University Library and close to the center of the city. It is 13m tall and it weights 13 tons. It is a main attraction point for tourist from outside Romania. This statue was unveiled on 6th december 2010. A small ceremony took place back then, with guests like the mayor of the city, King Mihai I and Princess Margareta of Romania.

Sunset Over Herastrau Park

Located in the north side of the city (Aviatorilor metro station and several bus station around the park), it is the main "weekend" attraction for both young and older people. Rollers, bikers, runners, readers, couples, you name it, here you can find them all.

Next Stop : Bucharest !!

Around 2,5 km before northern railway station in Bucharest, there is "Basarab Halt", the 1st stop of trains before arriving at the main railway station in the capital city.

I've been taking photographs of Bucharest for 5 years now, and i'm going to take photographs as long as i will live here. I've been struggling for a while to get the courage to start a photo blog, but recently i found out that the city will run for European Cultural Capital for Europe for the year 2021 ( www.bucuresti2021.ro ). if you search this city online, you're definitely gonna get 80% of the information of being an awful city. And it is, at least a part of it it's awful, but let's face it, each and every city it's like this, awful, awesome, yin, yang, you know how this goes like. If a pessimistic person like me can tell you something can be awesome, i think you'll have to believe that. And if you're not believing that, i'm definitely going to try to prove it to you . :)